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Integra MPD Express Drills Record-Breaking Well in Delaware Basin

June 20, 2024

Nabors Integra MPD business is setting a new standard with record-breaking effiency and stability in drilling operations.

Drilling a large-diameter, long lateral section in the Delaware Basin presented several difficulties. The Brushy Canyon formation contained potential loss zones (areas where drilling fluids can escape into the rock) and passing that the offset wells at deeper TVD required increasing mud weights (the drilling fluid density) as drilling progressed. Wellbore stability, the ability of the wellbore to maintain its shape, was also a concern due to a phenomenon called ballooning.

Nabors’ innovative IntegraTM MPD-Ready Express Rig with advanced drilling automation came to the rescue. Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) technology precisely controls the pressure at the bottom of the wellbore, allowing for:

  • Minimizing mud weight through loss zones, preventing fluid loss.
  • Maintaining constant bottom hole pressure (CBHP), mitigating ballooning, and ensuring wellbore stability.
  • Precise control of equivalent mud weight (EMW), reducing the risk of influxes (uncontrolled flow of formation fluids).

Record-Breaking Results:

  • Fastest three-mile, 8.5-inch production lateral section in the Delaware Basin: Completed in a record time of 17.7 days, beating the previous record by 10 days!
  • Fastest curve drilling: Drilled the curve section in just 15.25 hours, smashing the previous record by 4 hours, and achieved this feat with only two Bottom Hole Assemblies (BHA) – the equipment used to drill the wellbore.
  • Efficient casing installation: Achieved controlled CBHP, enabling the swift installation of 27,400 feet of 5.5-inch casing in just 19.75 hours.

The success of this project has paved the way for more efficient well construction in the Delaware Basin. Thanks to the capabilities of Nabors’ Integra MPD Express technology, operators can now confidently drill long, large-diameter production sections with three-string casing designs.

Read more details on the case study here.